Thursday, November 8, 2012



THE Regent of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah said the people, particularly the non-Muslims, should not touch on the sensitivities of Islam which had been agreed upon together in the formation of the country purely for political gains.
He said that in order to ensure the survival of a peaceful, sovereign and prosperous nation, the people must continue to respect the original charter that had been agreed upon by everyone and had become the main pillar in the setting up of the Federation of Malaya, which was to stay away from issues pertaining to religious sensitivities.
Raja Nazrin said religious sensitivity did not allow the religion to be debated openly because those with shallow knowledge could make the wrong interpretation.
"Lately, the boundary relating to Islamic religion appears to have been breached, in fact, there are some non-Muslims who are becoming more vocal in challenging issues relating to Islam through speeches which appear to ridicule syariah, belittle the faith of Muslims and degrade Islamic practices.
"Acts of breaching the boundary of other religions in an extreme and openly manner could lead to serious tragedy because religion was highly sensitive and had great potentials to lead to conflicts and quarrels," the Regent said.
This was one of the six projections presented by Raja Nazrin when delivering a premier lecture entitled "The Institution of Constitutional Monarchy: The Survival of the Nation", here to ensure that the desired survival of the nation could be achieved.
The programme, organised by the Ministry of Information, Communications and Culture, was also attended by its minister, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim and the Secretary-General of the ministry, Datuk Seri Kamaruddin Siaraf and several invited guests including artistes.
Describing the acts as showing disrespect for the Malay Rulers, the Regent said such acts must be stopped immediately and firmly.
As the head of religion, he said the palace institution was always open to discussion to whoever wished to present their views in order to gain guidance and direction through closed-door discussions without the need to publicise them.
The second projection presented by Raja Nazrin was the aspect of loyalty to the country which must be manifested by every citizen, that is, their obligation to respect the two national symbols, namely the 'Jalur Gemilang' and the national anthem 'Negaraku'.
He said the acts by a small group of individuals who stepped on the Jalur Gemilang and ridiculed the lyrics and beat of 'Negaraku' showed that they were unpatriotic.
In addition, he wanted the transparency and integrity of the administration upheld by the three branches of government, namely the executive, the legislative and the judiciary, to be free of shortcomings because such weaknesses could have a negative impact on the sovereignty of the Rulers if it were to spread to the implementing institutions.
In the other projections, the Regent reminded that the greatness of the constitution and sovereignty of the law which were key to ensuring public peace and political stability were not selectively enforced.
Raja Nazrin also called for a new set of arrangement between the powers of the state and the Federation so that it would not pose problems to the civil servants in discharging their trust and that they did not become victims of continued political conflicts.
"The concept of Federalism must be understood and that there must be a new orientation especially among the civil servants so that the political differences did not affect relations between the people, to the extent that they might develop feelings of parochialism which would erode their loyalty to the country," he said.
In his final projection, the Regent reminded political leaders to play a role to ensure that the political climate did not become too hot and not to turn the general election into a 'civil war'.
He said the general election was one of the main instruments in the system of government that practiced parliamentary democracy with the people given the right to determine the government. — Bernama. Source:

PETALING JAYA – Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah menzahirkan enam unjuran yang perlu dilaksanakan bagi menjamin kelangsungan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara bangsa yang merdeka, aman dan berdaulat.
Baginda bertitah, untuk itu, piagam awal yang telah dipersetujui bersama yang menjadi asas utama penubuhan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu perlu kekal dihormati dengan tidak menyentuh perkara-perkara sensitif khususnya agama.
Menurut baginda, agama adalah perkara paling sensitif dan perbuatan melanggar sempadan agama secara keterlaluan dan terbuka dikhuatiri mencetuskan konflik yang memungkinkan persengketaan.
“Agama Islam jangan sama sekali dijadikan alat untuk memancing laba politik baik dalam kalangan umat Islam, lebih-lebih lagi dalam kalangan bukan Islam,” titah baginda pada majlis Syarahan Perdana Budaya berjudul ‘Institusi Raja Berperlembagaan: Kelangsungan Negara Bangsa’ di Hotel The Royale Bintang Damansara di sini semalam.
Program anjuran Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan itu turut dihadiri menterinya, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim serta Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian Negara, Datuk Norliza Rofli.
Raja Nazrin bertitah, unjuran kedua ialah memberi erti kepada prinsip kedua Rukun Negara iaitu kesetiaan kepada Raja dan negara dengan menghormati lambang negara termasuklah bendera negara, Jalur Gemilang dan lagu kebangsaan, Negaraku.
“Unjuran ketiga ialah mempertahankan ketelusan serta integriti pentadbiran kerajaan meliputi tiga cabang utamanya iaitu perundangan, eksekutif dan kehakiman yang di bawahnya terletak pelbagai instrumen pelaksana kerajaan.
“Ketenteraman awam dan kestabilan politik di negara ini juga perlu sentiasa dipelihara menerusi unjuran keempat iaitu keluhuran perlembagaan dan kedaulatan undang-undang,” titah baginda.
Baginda juga bertitah, konsep federalisme berasaskan Perkara-Perkara 73 hingga 95E Perlembagaan Persekutuan merupakan unjuran kelima perlu difahami agar tidak ditafsirkan sebagai tidak menghormati kedaulatan Raja dan institusi Yang Dipertua di negeri-negeri.
Dalam unjuran terakhir, baginda mengingatkan pemimpin politik supaya berperanan memastikan suhu politik tidak terlalu panas selain tidak menjadikan pilihan raya sebagai satu peperangan sivil.
Sumber: | Foto: KPKK

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