Monday, April 19, 2010

Pertabalan Raja Toro (termuda di dunia)

(Foto) H.R.H. Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV, reigning Omukama of Toro (Uganda). He is 18 years old.

The accession of King Oyo to his father's throne marked the beginning of a challenging and exciting period for the people of Toro. At the infant age of three-and-one half years old (in 1995), King Oyo of Toro earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest reigning monarch. Being a minor, King Oyo was aptly placed under the guardianship of several capable individuals, to ensure his smooth maturation into his role as cultural leader of his people.

Among his guardians are H.E. Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda; Prince James Mugenyi, his paternal uncle, Princess Elizabeth N. Bagaaya, his paternal aunt and Godmother; and the other kings. King Oyo's kingdom, still suffering the devastation of 26 years of nonexistence and desecration, is in dire need of total reconstruction in all cultural, economic and human aspects. An ambitious development plan is in effect, encompassing several major development and restoration projects.

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