Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Melayu Dayus di Tanah Melayu

Orang Melayu kini takut pertahan hak

NOV 20 — Apabila pembantu politik DAP, Teoh Beng Hock mati jatuh bangunan, Kunta Kinte tengok satu Malaysia sangat sedih, simpati dan marah. Bukan main punya simpati dan protes sampai ada pembesar Islam yang pegang colok dan lilin dalam upacara “vigil” (tafakur) mereka.

Apabila tahanan India mati dalam lokap atau lari dari lokap dan terjun sungai, reaksi yang sama terjadi. Satu Malaysia marah lalu dibuat tunjuk perasaan dan dituntut tubuh suruhanjaya penyiasat. Apabila seorang wanita India mati minum racun pasal dukacita saudara kandungnya mati ditembak polis, ada pembesar pembangkang berbangsa India cuba buat usul di Parlimen.

Tapi bila seorang pemuda Melayu di Perlis, Mohamad Taufik Noorzan, 21, dikatakan mengamuk dan cuba serang polis dengan pisau ditembak mati, Kunta Kinte tengok macam tak ada apa-apa yang berlaku.

Banyak lagi contoh macam tu. Belum kira lagi cerita tanah Melayu kena ambil kemudian dibuat pembangunan untuk semua bangsa. Rumah Melayu kena runtuh dan macam-macam lagi.

Adakah orang Melayu tak peduli? Adakah orang Melayu apati? Adakah orang Melayu tak berani? Adakah Melayu bangsa suka membisu dan menyepi? Dayus? Takut?

Bacalah selanjutnya di http://themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/opinion/breaking-views/44023-orang-melayu-kini-takut-pertahan-hak--kunta-kinte

[ Ed - orang Melayu pengecut]



    MELAYU BANGKIT.....BANGUN!!!!!.....

  2. I came across this website by chance, and found that this is saddening. I was not aware that today people are still harping on colour, especially in our country.

    You sit there claiming that Malays deserve more, but why? Because a long time ago, the Malays were once the native people of this land? Well, that was then, and today, you are merely citizens of a country,together with citizens of other races. If you choose to hide behind this so called "rights" of yours, you will be left behind as a bigoted and superficial group of people who find progress in the failure of others.

    And even in this particular article, the other men and women who were mentioned had passed on owing to serious misconduct or a socially oppressed circumstance, and the man who ran amok had not been mistreated, had not been in an inhumane situation. It was unfortunate, but in no way does it require the outburst of a nation.


    Please, stop spreading Malay supremacy. The Malaysian history is coloured with myth and legend, and in no way should we look to the future abiding by these fairy tales. We need to make change, and accept the fact that we are all equal, and we all deserve a fair chance.


  3. Of course race has nothing to do with it.

    This website is not about spreading Malay supremacy simpliciter, Nor a place to train psychotic Malay cadres – I somehow feel the resentment in your posting. We like to think that it's a place to articulate our almost extinct socio-cultural identity in the Malay Archipelago to which the Malay States (by the way, called States of Malaya, after the entry of Penang and Malacca into the ‘mainland Peninsular) was and still is a part.

    You see, the Malays are no more proud to relive the glory of their past than the native bumiputeras of Sabah and North Borneo are, and when you talk about Malay rights in Malaya, you’ve got to talk about the rights of the indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak too. In our view, you cannot examine the rule of law around the theory of supremacy of the Malaysian constitution, without also taking into account of the protection of the natives' rights embedded in the document itself. This website is a dedication to remembering, and rejoicing that constitutional protection that your grandfather’s generation and mine had agreed to.

    This web is also not about repudiation of the legitimate rights of others, as you would, no doubt, find in other Malay bashing-cum-establishment stabbing web blogs we readily find in abundance nowadays, expressing deep hatred and mischievous sentiments against the Malays and injecting a regular dose of negative social chauvinism of certain groups into the general populace, far in excess, greater in bitterness, than this educational and cultural website could possibly put up. Things like our condemnation of the Cow head incident in Shah Alam obviously did not receive your selective attention [ see PROTES KEPALA LEMBU DAN KENYATAAN RAJAMENANGIS], because that would upset your overall scheme.

    As you can see, we refuse to categorically sacrifice our 800 year historic and cultural interests but we do welcome engagements that would make this nation great, not degraded. We are conscious that this nation consists of a complex mosaic of human having contrasted cultural, religious and historical backgrounds and that this diversity often leads to competing or differences in interests, values, and priorities. Throughout history, Malays have been accommodative –that’s sociology of budi – for you. The rest we leave it to your imagination. We remain yours sincerely.

    Meanwhile, please feel free to drop by anytime.


  4. Rajamenangis,
    I totally agree with you...!!!
    I give you all my support.

    Individuals like 'Peace' don't fully understand what this website is all about. We hope he/she will be more careful & do not generalize based on one posting...!!

    Do not purposely ignore what had happened during our grandfather's generation. Don't read history like a "book" but consider what lies beneath all the words.

    Kelana Jaya.


    I represent the native bumiputeras of Sabah & Sarawak. I feel that a website such as this created by Rajamenangis should open the eyes of many people as to the importance of reminding the present generation of their roots & its got nothing to do with the RIGHTS of the various RACES at all.

  6. Thank you Daniel Sibu. Rajamenangis supports a just and harmonious 1Malaysia. We accept social justice in the context of the Malaysian constitution and the principles of constitutional monarchy IN Malaysia. We deplore corruption. We detest abuse of power by some. But history and the jurisprudential analysis of current constitutional protections exists on its own legal and historical weight to support the economic life and security of Malaysia and to do that, the constituional framers saw certain very fundamental things that need to be addressed in the Constitution. You see, this 'right' was extended, under the Sedition Act 1949, to include the rights of the indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak. That too cannot be questioned. That fundamental things I referred to are now being harassed by a systemic pot shots we hear so often nowadays coming from some quarters.

    Reader, switch on your radar.

