Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Foto 1906...

Istana Sultan Idris (Perak) dibina pada 1892 dengan kos $55,000. Sebahagiannya diperolehi daripada Negeri2 Melayu Bersekutu (FMS) melalui Frank Swettenham (Residen Perak). Dekorasi dalaman adalah buatan Eropah dan permintaan untuk menambah bantuan telah dipertikaikan dengan hangatnya di London. Namun Gabenor Mitchell menegaskan bahawa istana Sultan seharusnya sehebat kediaman Residen. Sultan Idris mangkat pada 1916.

Kediaman Residen yg menghadap Sungai Perak. Terletak di Kuala Kangsar, Bandar DiRaja Perak. Kedudukan Kuala Kangsar sangat strategik di kawasan melengkung Sungai Perak. Pada 1879, catatan Isabella Bird perihal Kuala Kangsar: "I like Kwala Kangsa better than any place that I have been at in Asia, and am proportionately sorrier to leave it..." Dari situ kelihatan kawasan gunung-ganang yg amat indah. Di sebelah kanan foto, kelihatan 'lanca' iaitu kenaikan yg ditarik oleh manusia/lembu atau kuda.


  1. Istana Sultan ini dibina hanya 20 tahun selepas foto istana Sultan Perak ke-25 (rujuk entry terdahulu). Jadi, persoalannya, kenapa begitu jauh beza dari segi senibina?

    Adakah kerana FMS membantu dalam pembinaan istana di Kuala Kangsar ini?

  2. You might like to note that I have last week completed a section on the Perak War in my Sejarah Melayu website at

    There you will find articles on an overview of the Perak War of 1875-1875, the signing of The Pangkor Engagement, the assasination of JWW Birch,
    Perak War Despatches from the Illustrated London News and an account of the war by Isabella Bird.

    Please note that the address to my website listed here is incorrect. The address is , not

  3. sabri zain >>
    We are honoured, indeed. I had visited your website many times before and had even written an e-mail many years back to you...(can't remember the details, though).

    Anyways, I have made the necessary changes to your website address. Thank you very much for sharing the information with us. We will surely visit your website from time to time.
